With 20 volumes published so far, the manga remains ongoing. The manga went on to win a multitude of awards, including the coveted Manga Taisho Award.

Beastars originally began as a manga, written by Paru Itagaki and Akita Shoten, released in 2016. In the midst of the growing unease at the school, Legoshi, a timid and shy carnivorous wolf, has a dramatic encounter with a small rabbit who attends the school, Haru, an encounter that may affect the fate of Legoshi and the school. That line of coexistence is shattered when a student is devoured by an unnamed and unknown carnivore. In a world of anthropomorphic creatures, carnivores and herbivores of all species coexist and work together.

If one could ever imagine Zootopia becoming an R-rated bloody murder mystery, it would likely be Beastars.