Maybe some of you will also find the new option useful.

The option to disable Windows ads has been updated to work properly in Windows 11.There is an option to enable Recycle Bin for removable drives.You can now enable the "Desktop Stickers" hidden feature in Windows 11 22H2+.I have updated the "Disable SmartScreen" to disable it for Store apps.Using Winaero Tweaker 1.40, you can make the taskbar show tray icons in two or three rows.If you set Windows Spotlight as your desktop background, you can remove its icon from the desktop.Also, when you remove "Open in Terminal" from the context menu using Winaero Tweaker, it now also removes the "Open in Terminal Preview" command if you have the latter installed.You can now use it to remove the Add to favorites item from the context menu.I've changed how it shows the available memory size.The app now properly detects Windows 11 version 22H2.

Download Winaero Tweaker 1.40 What's new in Winaero Tweaker 1.40